Specific information regarding the Communication Sciences and Disorders' Acute Care Speech Language Pathology practicum led by Carley Evans MS CCC SLP. Carley is a medical speech pathologist at the Evelyn Trammell Institute for Voice and Swallowing of the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. If you are new to this practicum, start with the oldest post listed in Archive.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

What is Respiratory Alkalosis?

Is Respiratory Alkalosis synonymous with metabolic alkalosis?


Anonymous said...

Respiratory alkalosis is a condition occurring when the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood drops to a level below normal range. The body's pH balance is shifted, causing the body's system to become more alkaline (basic). This condition is brought on by rapid, deep breathing called hyperventilation. When a person hyperventilates, the exchange of oxygen and CO2 speeds up, that is, too much CO2 is exhaled. The lower level of CO2 in the bloodstream is what causes the pH of the blood to rise, making the blood basic.

Hyperventilation can be attributed to a number of causes ranging from pneumonia to lung disease to asthma. Hyperventilation is also associated with anxiety disorders, drug overdose, CO poisoning, and serious infections. Also, tumors and swelling in the brain/nervous system can cause this fast, deep breathing.

Anonymous said...


(This is where I got my info.)